Get to know me

I am a data analyst holding a degree in Petroleum Engineering, and I have accumulated 5 years of experience as a data professional. My proficiency in analytics has been significantly enhanced by my engineering skillset. Throughout my career, I have actively contributed to diverse projects, including the development of end-to-end IoT systems, data-driven automated systems, machine learning models, dynamic statistical models, and database systems.

In addition to my project involvement, my passion for knowledge sharing and contribution has led me to take on roles as an instructor and course developer for various data-centric processes. You can explore my projects, publications, and course materials in this website.

  • Data Systems
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Business Solutions

My Data Stack

Areas of Interest

As a Data Analyst and Petroleum Engineer, I principally focus on using mathematical concepts mixed with computer science to bring business solutions. Take a look at some of my interests

Predictive Data Analytics

Focus on getting data insights with predictive analysis and ML.

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Coaching and Knowledge Sharing

I have served in various data-related coaching capacities at different scales.

Course Materials

Dynamic Statistical Analysis

I take keen interest in developing data-adaptive statistical models.

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Time Series Modelling

Insights from the temporal dimension to make informed decisions.

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Process Optimization

I love using available tools to get the most out of a process or activity.

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Business Intelligence

I love telling a story, presenting insights and driving decisions.

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My Projects

Have a look at some projects I've worked on.

Stock Assets Prediction Models

This project explores prediction of future stock prices based on historical data. Time series analysis is extensively explored in this project, while having pipelines that can be reused for analyzing and predicting stock prices and feature extraction.


Gas-Hydrates Risk Management System

This project presents a data-driven gas hydrate diagnosis model for monitoring hydrates and risk evaluation in gas pipelines by performing hydrate growth rate diagnosis for flow assurance in gas-dominated flow systems.


Dynamic Statistical Modelling of Production Systems

Here, a dynamic statistical modelling approach is developed which uses real time most recent data to continously create best fit statistical models to be used to obtain optimal values applied to decision making.


Employee Credential Management System

This project provides a system for keeping accurate track of the credentials attached to an employee in a man-power driven service providing organization. This system ensures the most up-to-date employees wrt credentials are always called up for job assignments.


Supplier Quality Analysis

This repository presents the analysis of the items provided by different suppliers to a company often needing various products. The defects associated with items supplied is analyzed extensively. Metrics obtained are analyzed and used to make decision on suppliers and managing plants.


Inventory Management System

Here, an end-to-end Inventory Management System is developed, to enable ease of interaction with the inventory registry for a contractor. A dashboard is also devloped to share insights to the clients and help with querying on the status of the key items contained in the inventory.


Course Materials

I regularly develop course materials for data professionals. Have a look at some of the materials I'm allowed to share. You can contact me to discuss developing any form of course content.

My Publications

Work with me

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I write about my projects as well. Check out some of my posts here.

SQL Assistance- Ready Scripts for Database Administration and Querying

How frustrating is it when you are in serious need of a script to perform a task on your database and you are left with nothing? This article provides exposure to…

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Improve Your Productivity on MS Excel with VBA — Scripts for You

No matter where you apply your skill or expertise, you would have reason to use a spreadsheet package. MS Excel is one of the most widely…

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Only More Money- Stock Assets Prediction Pipelines

In many financial spaces, stock analysis and forcasting takes precedence as investments opportunities grow exponentially. As this increases, developing efficient prediction means to correctly...

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I'm always available. Reach me through any of these platforms.